S.No Feature Supported
1 Plan Buckets, Labels and Members YES
2 Task Title, User Assignments and Applied Labels YES
3 Bucket, Progress, Start and Due Dates YES
4 Description, Notes and Checklists YES
5 Attachments YES
6 Repeat settings YES
7 Comments (including Metadata : actual posted username and timestamp) YES
8 Metadata YES (Created and completed details updated in task description (Notes))
9 Add plan as a Tab YES
10 Groups associated with the plan and their settings (autoSubscribeNewMembers, allowExternalSenders, hideFromOutlookClients, hideFromAddressLists) YES
11 Notification Settings (Group Email Settings) NO
12 Task Notification Settings (when assigned / commented) NO
13 Pinned Plan NO
14 Suggested Backgrounds NO

Incremental migration

S.No Feature Supported
1 New tasks added after previous migration YES
2 Modified task details, attachments and comments NO

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